Falmouth Packet Business Aug ’18 – 50 – Is it all over?

50 – Is it all over?

Whilst I am not quite 50 years of age, the clock is certainly ticking and has made me sit back and think about what it means heading to this milestone. It was no doubt one of those adverts – the one’s that make you feel extremely old “over 50’s”.

To many it’s just the start, having brought up the family, hopefully enjoying greater financial security, less expenditure with little or no mortgage and the dreaded costs that come with raising children may well have gone (well significantly reduced anyway). My retired clients continue to laugh when they advise me there 30 something is still not 100% financially independent and probably never will be!!

This financial liberation brings more confidence, wealth of experience, more free time and for doing things for yourself!!

What will your 50’s look like?

Now the sensible stuff. Maybe it’s a time to ensure that this new- found freedom can continue at retirement ensuring that financially at least you can enjoy the lifestyle that you desire at retirement. This is especially relevant now that the government has pushed back receipt of state pension to 66/67. It’s always a good start to obtain a state pension forecast which will confirm your state retirement age, your contribution history and state pension projection of benefits:


Have you reviewed your Will ? – is it still appropriate, have you looked over your protection arrangements – do they represent good value?

Are your investments and retirement arrangements well managed and appropriate as you head closer to taking benefits – how much would they suffer if there was a market downturn and would this push your planned retirement further down the line – is this acceptable?

A free financial health check will assist you to understand your financial position and formulate a plan of action with any shortcomings.


This article does not provide individual financial advice and are the views of the columnist only. Vision Independent Financial Planning Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Sarah Williams of W.T Independent Financial Planning is an Appointed Representative of Vision Independent Financial Planning Ltd

Article August 2018